Rise & Shine Day Program
It’s time to Rise & Shine!
Open M-F 9-3 PM
Know = Educate
Shine Tallahassee aims to provide a safe and loving environment for our all of our participants. Our goal is to provide an experience where participants can grow the necessary skills to improve their quality of life. For some this may be academic goals, for some it might be social or personal. We meet each participant at their level and develop goals based on their needs.
We want our Friends to explore the Arts, Animal Care, Gardening, Culinary Arts and more to see what sparks their interests and expands their life goals!
Grow = Support
We provide participants with interactive opportunities through local businesses and organizations coming in to help increase their understanding of the world around them.
We consistently weave personal growth opportunities throughout daily life at Rise & Shine. We encourage participants to step out of their comfort zones and embrace social situations in a safe, encouraging environment so that they are better equipped to handle these situations in their daily lives.
Go = Create
Shine Tallahassee desires to create opportunities for individuals with special needs to find their passions and use those passions to be positive, contributing members of the community. We plan to use the creative arts to give these individuals an outlet for their passions.
Nicole Whitfield
Rise and Shine Program Director/Lead Teacher